2024 (304)

The Year of our Lord 2024


The Resurrection

How wise we think we are! How intelligent! So we have the boldness to deny the truth of things we don't like, even in God's Word! The Sadducees are not so different from us. They preferred to believe in what they could see and touch…

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April 14, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 55-58 Meditation Verses: 58:6-11 Again and again, David cries out to God for Him to act against those who hate him, who have attacked him, who plot his downfall. These are some of his most direct and descriptive pleas for vengeance. His…

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April 13, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 51-54 Meditation Verses: 54:4-7 David speaks in the past tense, that God has delivered him from all his trouble, and his eye has looked with satisfaction on his enemies. Yet he was being ratted out to Saul, enemies were calling the king…

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April 12, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 47-50 Meditation Verses: 50:21-23 There are those who claim God's covenant as their own, but they hate discipline and they delight in those who do evil. God says nothing, and they think that means He approves of them. Instead, He sends a…

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April 11, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 43-46 Meditation Verses: 44:17-22 The Psalmist says that all kinds of terrible things have done upon the people, yet they have not turned away from the Lord or been unfaithful to Him. Verse 22 is quoted by Paul to describe the state…

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