2023 (294)

The Year of our Lord 2023


An Advent of Peace

Over the centuries from the beginning of time, the Lord has sent promise after promise, prophecy after prophecy, of the Seed of the Woman who would deliver us from Satan, Death, Sin and Our Own Heart. In the fullness of time, a baby is born…

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December 10, 2023

Passage Read: Exodus 23-26 Meditation Verses: 23:2-3 This is incredibly relevant for today! The Lord commands against following a mob or testifying in a dispute in such a way as to support the mob rather than to support justice. Tied to that is the command…

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December 9, 2023

Passage Read: Exodus 19-22 Meditation Verse: 19:5 This is what God says of believers today, that we are being made into a kingdom of priests and a holy people! Israel was to be the same by walking in obedience to His commands, by being a…

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December 8, 2023

Passage Read: Exodus 15-18 Meditation Verse: 16:8 It is not good to grumble against leaders or to blame them for our bad circumstances. God hears everything we say, and knows who we're really angry with. God was leading Moses and had led the people out…

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December 7, 2023

Passage Read: Exodus 11-14 Meditation Verses: 14:26-27 God commands Moses to stretch out his staff over the sea to part the waters, then again to close the waters on the Egyptians. God didn't need Moses or his staff to do this, but He insisted on…

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