Chapter 19 (12)


February 7, 2024

Passage Read: 2 Samuel 18-21 Meditation Verses: 19:6-7 Joab warned David that he was shaming his servants by weeping over Absalom. If he didn't speak kindly to those who risked their lives for him and his household, they would all be gone by morning and…

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First and Last

"The first will be last and the last will be first." There are so many ways this can apply to us. Who is the first? Who is the last? Will they just be made equal? Will their positions be reversed? What does that mean for…

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Assurance of Salvation

What do you look to for assurance that you will enter Christ's kingdom? Is there a one-off event or deed that you did to confirm your salvation? Do you depend on your continued good deeds to assure your place in Heaven? In this passage, a…

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January 22, 2024

Passage Read: Judges 18-21 Meditation Verses: 19:29-30 There are so many problems with this story that no one in it seems aware of; it perfectly illustrates the moral lostness of the nation at this time. The Levite apparently had no normal wife, so he buys…

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Marriage. It can be the hardest of relationships. Surely there's a way out when things go bad. Even God wouldn't make me endure with this impossible person. God's Word is restrictive; in some cases, to obey would be tragic. So we seek to follow the…

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