Chapter 18 (29)



God hates sin. But He also hates unforgiveness with an equal passion—and consequence! There are brothers and sisters who are caught in sin that we need to correct, and we may have to escalate it to the point of cutting off fellowship with them. But…

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Not One Lost

Earlier in Matthew 18, Jesus shares the parable of the lost sheep. In it He says, "If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away...." What would make a sheep wander away? What would make a believer leave the church? Jesus…

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Our Jealous God

Jesus introduced us to a small child last week, in the first few verses of this chapter. It turns out that such small children, because of their absolute trust and teachableness, are incredibly precious to God. And to us parents as well, right? Right? I…

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November 23, 2023

Passage Read: Genesis 17-20 Meditation Verses: 18:32-33 Sodom and Gomorrah are exceedingly wicked; complaints about them have reached heaven. People want justice and God is sending messengers to confirm the complaints. They stop at Abraham's place and God explains what He's about to do. Abraham,…

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The Greatest

Jesus' disciples want to know who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Two things they don't get: a rebuke and a name. Instead, Jesus warns them that unless they become like little children, they will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven! What? These…

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