Chapter 15 (22)


December 15, 2022

Passage Read: Numbers 12-15 Meditation Verses: 15:38-39 Tassels on the corner of garments was to be a reminder of all the commands of the Lord, that the people should obey them and not prostitute themselves by going after the lusts of their own hearts and…

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August 26, 2022

Passage Read: Acts 14-15 Meditation Verse: 15:10 The Pharisees were saying that the new Gentile converts needed to be circumcised and keep the whole Law of Moses. Peter answers and says that the whole Law was a burden that none of them have been able…

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August 4, 2022

Passage Read: Luke 15-16 Meditation Verse: 15:1 The Scripture notes that tax collectors and sinners were coming to Jesus to listen to Him, and the religious leaders remarked that Jesus received them and even ate with them. Jesus then spoke three illustrations to explain the…

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July 27, 2022

Passage Read: Mark 15-16 Meditation Verse: 15:10 Though Pilate didn't believe and was not necessarily a lover of Truth, still he recognized envy when he saw it. He knew it was because of envy that the religious leaders had handed over Jesus. He even tried…

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July 13, 2022

Passage Read: Matthew 15-16 Meditation Verses: 15:5-9 The problem with the Pharisees and scribes wasn't that they were so careful to keep the Law of the Lord, but that they were so crafty in coming to with ways to "keep" the Law without keeping it.

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