Chapter 14 (32)


September 17, 2022

Passage Read: 1 Corinthians 14-15 Meditation Verses: 14:36-38 Everything Paul has written here, concerning spiritual gifts and women in the assembly, perhaps even all the book of Corinthians, all these things are commands of God, not just of Paul. For any church or group to…

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September 9, 2022

Passage Read: Romans 14-15 Meditation Verses: 14:20-21 There are those who believe certain foods to be wrong to eat, like the Hindus. If they were to come to Christ, they might have a difficult time accepting those who eat meat, especially cows. In sensitivity to…

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August 3, 2022

Passage Read: Luke 13-14 Meditation Verses: 14:25-26 It's like Jesus was trying to scare away those who followed Him. Great crowds followed Him and He warned them that only those who love Him more than family or life could be His disciple. How is that…

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July 12, 2022

Passage Read: Matthew 13-14 Meditation Verses: 14:13-14 As much as Jesus wanted to get away by Himself to pray and work through His grief at the death of John, He allowed compassion for the crowd to lead Him. When He went off to seek solitude…

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June 22, 2022

Passage Read: Hosea 12 - Joel 1 Meditation Verse: Hosea 14:9 The righteous shall walk in the ways of Jehovah, but transgressors will stumble in them. Those who truly believe the Lord will have little trouble walking in His ways. They will recognize what ways…

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