Chapter 13 (40)


Kingdom Value

How precious is the Kingdom of Heaven to you? What do our lives show? What do our priorities reveal about our valuation of the Kingdom? Jesus shares a couple of parables about how much we should value His Kingdom, and really, about how greatly we…

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Kingdom Promises

In this section of Matthew 13, Jesus gives us three parables that prophesy about the future of the Kingdom of Heaven. Two are fairly obvious and it would be fair to consider them fulfilled. The third is intriguing for the details it contains, and the…

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Who Can Understand?

Does Jesus want us to know and understand Him? His disciples were confused about that, because even they couldn't figure out His parables. Why didn't He just come straight out and say what He meant? Jesus expects any and everyone to understand His meaning, but…

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August 23, 2023

Passage Read: Acts 12-13 Meditation Verse: 13:43 I need to encourage people to ask questions afterward, to talk with me about what they heard and what they can and should do in response to the message. May God open their hearts to engage with His…

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August 1, 2023

Passage Read: Luke 13-14 Meditation Verse: 13:24-27 We don't get to enter Christ's kingdom on our terms, but on His. We don't get to live our lives in whatever way we want, then expect Him to let us in at the last because we spent…

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