Chapter 13 (13)


August 21, 2024

Passage Read: Luke 13-14 Meditation Verses: 13:23-27 There is a contrast between "strive" and "seek" in Jesus' description here. He tells us to strive, which is stronger than seek, to enter the narrow gate. Many will seek to enter and fail. We must strive to…

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July 30, 2024

Passage Read: Matthew 13-14 Meditation Verse: 13:19 When someone hears the Gospel, the Word of God, and doesn't understand it, it is because Satan has snatched away that Word. It's gone! It's not still there percolating, waiting to sprout. It's gone. People want to use…

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March 23, 2024

Passage Read: Job 13-16 Meditation Verse: 13:12 It is easier and more comfortable to have a simple view of life and God and everything, especially if it assures me that I'm safe. But platitudes don't dig in to understand what is really going on, what…

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March 17, 2024

Passage Read: Nehemiah 12 - Esther 2 Meditation Verses: Nehemiah 13:10-12 There is a natural bent in people to turn away from the Lord. Though they begin well, under the lead of a dedicated ruler, if he departs, they go back to their old ways.

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February 26, 2024

Passage Read: 1 Chronicles 11-14 Meditation Verses: 13:12-14 The Lord is both very good and at the same time very frightening! David has been so blessed by the Lord, now made king, prospering, and he desires to seek the Lord more and better than before,…

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