Chapter 119 (3)


April 30, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 119 Meditation Verses: 119:97-104 The writer of Psalm 119 has discovered the secret to a righteous life: total delight and love for the law of God. Over and over he declares how love for God's law consumes him, therefore he walks in…

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April 11, 2023

Passage Read: Psalm 119 Meditation Verses: 119:99-100 Insight and understanding come from meditation and obedience. To be as wise or wiser than teachers of the Word or elders who have much more lived experience of God requires meditating on God's Word (probably day and night)…

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April 13, 2022

Passage Read: Psalm 119 Meditation Verse: 119:115 The presence of evildoers is a temptation to ignore God's commands. When they are present, it is tempting to not walk in God's ways. But that's actually when it is most needful. The wicked need to see obedience…

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