Chapter 11 (17)


June 9, 2024

Passage Read: Jeremiah 9-12 Meditation Verse: 11:6 Jeremiah was commanded to go through the cities of Judah and streets of Jerusalem proclaiming the Lord's covenant that the people had violated. City by city, town by town in Judah, and street by street in Jerusalem. There…

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May 24, 2024

Passage Read: Isaiah 11-14 Meditation Verse: 11:3 Jesus will delight in the fear of the Lord! Jesus, who is God, will delight in the fear of His Father. Jesus, who is beloved by the Father, and such love should cast out all fear, yet He…

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May 19, 2024

Passage Read: Ecclesiastes 11 - Song of Solomon 2 Meditation Verse: Ecclesiastes 11:6 Ecclesiastes is not a book that justifies laziness, but in taking pleasure in the work of the hands and fruit of one's labor. It doesn't teach a pursuit of wealth and getting…

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February 12, 2024

Passage Read: 1 Kings 10-13 Meditation Verses: 11:6-10 The Law of God for Israel did not allow for freedom of religion in the sense that people could worship any god they desired. God commanded that Israel as a nation and a people worship only the…

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January 19, 2024

Passage Read: Judges 10-13 Meditation Verses: 11:1-2 Jephthah was the son of Gilead by a prostitute, so Gilead was not a faithful believer in God, at least in his youth. He apparently married after that and had other sons by his wife. Those sons drove…

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