Chapter 10 (16)


March 19, 2024

Passage Read: Esther 7-10 Meditation Verse: 10:3 Even in this life, the Lord is willing to reward and exalt those who seek the good of their own people and of the nation that hosts them. Of course, the Lord defines what is good and good…

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March 14, 2024

Passage Read: Ezra 10 - Nehemiah 3 Meditation Verses: Ezra 10:2-4 The law commanded the people not to intermarry with foreigners, whether giving their daughters in marriage to foreigners or bringing in their daughters in marriage to their sons. Yet the Jews who returned from exile…

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November 11, 2023

Passage Read: Revelation 9-10 Meditation Verse: 10:4 Not everything has been revealed, and I need to be OK with that. The Lord knows exactly what He's doing and plans to do, and I need to trust Him and obey what He has revealed. He is…

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October 21, 2023

Passage Read: Hebrews 9-10 Meditation Verses: 10:26-29 The author makes the case at the beginning of this chapter that we have been made perfect through Jesus' death and resurrection. Here he makes it clear that if we deliberately keep on sinning after receiving instruction and…

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September 13, 2023

Passage Read: 1 Corinthians 10-11 Meditation Verses: 10:1-5 God is not mocked, and He will not be deceived. He knows those who belong to Him, those who fear Him and who walk in obedience to Him. He's not fooled into thinking that those who were…

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