Chapter 1 (64)


June 24, 2023

Passage Read: Jonah 1-4 Meditation Verse: 1:12 Thought Jonah, in effect, cared more about these sailors than about his own life or the life of the Ninevites. He was willing to drown to save the sailors because he thought it would prevent the Ninevites from…

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June 20, 2023

Passage Read: Hosea 12 - Joel 1 Meditation Verses: Joel 1:13-15 Thought The priests are the last to understand how desperate times have become. Only when the people are so impoverished that they no longer have money and crops to offer as sacrifices, only then…

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May 2, 2023

Passage Read: Song of Solomon 7 - Isaiah 2 Meditation Verses: Isaiah 1:27-28 Thought The penitent ones will be redeemed with righteousness, but the rebels and sinners will be broken and will perish. This is why the Gospel begins with "repent." We still need to…

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April 19, 2023

Passage Read: Psalm 148 - Proverbs 1 Meditation Verses: Proverbs 1:22-33 Wisdom is brutal! Yes, generous to those who listen to rebuke, she pours out her heart to them. But refuse to listen to rebuke, and she cuts you off. When calamity strikes because you…

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January 30, 2023

Passage Read: 1 Kings 22 - 2 Kings 3 Meditation Verses: 2 Kings 1:9-10 This is probably what James and John were thinking of when the Samaritan town refused Jesus passage and they wanted to call down fire on them. Elijah twice called down fire…

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