Micah Bemenderfer

September 3, 2022

Passage Read: Romans 2-3
Meditation Verse: 2:25


The problem with trusting in signs and marks is that we don't bother to walk in the way we are called to, we think the mark we have received guarantees our acceptance. So it was with the Jews who thought being circumcised guaranteed their inclusion in the blessings of God for the nation. But anyone who was circumcised but did not walk in obedience to the Law, their circumcision was meaningless. The same is true today, for Christians who think that because they go to such-and-such a church or tithe or were baptized or prayed a prayer, whatever they trust in, if they don't walk in obedience to God, the thing they trust is meaningless. We are justified by faith alone, but the evidence of faith has always been obedience to the Lord and His Word.


I can put my trust in nothing but faith in Christ that leads to obedience to Christ. If I believe Him today, I should care about what He wants me to do, how He wants me to live, and I should walk as He wants me to walk. If I don't care what He calls His people to be and do, can I really say I believe in Him? Can I really say I love and trust Him? No. I can only trust that I believe Him if I care enough to obey Him.