Micah Bemenderfer

September 29, 2023

Passage Read: Ephesians 5-6
Meditation Verses: 5:5-7


No immoral, impure or greedy person has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Interesting that he puts it that way: There is the kingdom of Christ, which would be His millennial reign, and the Kingdom of God, which would be eternity, after Jesus hands everything over to the Father, who creates a new heavens and earth. No immoral, impure or greedy person will have any inheritance in either of those kingdoms, though some immoral, impure or greedy people will "enjoy" Jesus' kingdom, though not really; they'll endure it only until they can rebel at the end of it. But Paul warns believers not to be deceived by empty words, words that promise that if you believe in Jesus but are what some would consider immoral, impure or greedy, you can still inherit a place in one or both of these kingdoms. Nope. Not gonna happen. A "believer" who is immoral, impure or greedy is no believer at all. And if they happen to enter the kingdom of Christ, it will not be by resurrection, and they'll chafe under Christ's pure and holy and iron rule. They'll end up joining the rebellious at the end of His reign, seeking to overthrow what they consider to be the evil galactic empire. They'll be the heroes in their own story, restoring "freedom" to the galaxy, freedom to live according to their own ideas rather than those imposed and restrictive morals of God.


Empty words are those that promise what is not true, what God has taken a stand against. In this context, it has to do with immoral, impure or greedy people not just gaining entrance but inheritance in the kingdoms of Christ and God. They will not remain. They will not last. There is no hope for someone who calls himself a Christian but does not turn away from immorality, impurity or greed. They do not belong to Christ and will not stand before God. Anyone who says otherwise is spouting empty words. I must not be deceived by them, and they are attractive. Who wouldn't want to believe they can have eternity with God without having to change their behavior? They just don't realize that God's character never changes, so if they didn't like what He required in the Old Testament, and don't like what He requires in the New (which is the same thing), why would they think they'll like being in His kingdom? That's crazy. They think their nature will be changed to love those things with the resurrection, when they enter Christ's kingdom, but their nature was supposed to have been changed when they believed the gospel! The only thing changed at the resurrection is our body, from mortal and sin-sick to immortal and sin-free. They think everything God requires of believers in the New Testament will be automagically done for them at the resurrection, so they don't really need to bother with it now. Halfhearted, ingenuous attempts at reform are fine, but not necessary; Jesus will make us different people at His return. Or maybe they're not fine, because that's trying to save yourself by your works! That's the deception, and it will destroy anyone who hopes in it.