Micah Bemenderfer

September 28, 2023

Passage Read: Ephesians 3-4
Meditation Verses: 4:17-19


As a believer, I'm no longer to live as the Gentiles do, as lost people do. They do not know God and have no clue as to how He ways us to live, because they have hardened their hearts, and so they are clueless about Him. Having hardened their hearts against the truth, they have lost sensitivity to their conscience and to their God-given nature, and replaced that sensitivity with sensuality, seeking feeling from their flash, which leads to indulging all kinds of immorality and impurity, things that God opposes. And when their fleshly receptors become dull, they have to seek more intense activities, which leads to greater immorality and impurity. And all it earns them is destruction. So their way of life is not just futile but disastrous. And that is who I was, and that is who I need to put off.


Instead of walking after my flesh, seeking experiences that make me feel alive, I need to seek God, walk in obedience to Him and be transformed by His Spirit. Then I will restore my sensitivity to Him and discover how He intended me to live and for what. As I grow in sensitivity to Him and His Spirit, I find out how intense His joy and pain can be. Sometimes I am to share more in Jeremiah's grief than in Paul's hope and joy. But there are times when His joy is overwhelming. Drawing near to God does bring intense feeling and emotion, and better yet, a clarity in knowing Him, so ideally, I can walk with Him in truth.