September 26, 2022
Passage Read: Galatians 3-4
Meditation Verses: 3:23-26
Is Paul speaking to Jews or to people heavily influenced by Jews? Who was locked up under Law but the Jews? The Gentiles didn't grow up under the Law, it is something we likely wouldn't even know about until we came to Christ. It was the Jews who would be locked up under Law, but they might come to us Gentiles and teach us that we too need to submit to all the Law. So we Gentiles need to understand that the Jews were originally locked up under the Law until faith came, so that we too do not look to the Law for salvation. The Jews couldn't be saved by it, though they were instructed by it and given a high moral standard that we would do well to learn from. But it cannot save the Jews and it cannot save us. Only faith in Christ can do that. So we need to hold fast to faith in Christ for salvation, and learn what we can from the Law, that which helps us understand better who Christ is and what God delights in, since we are now children of God.
I'm am not required to keep the whole Law in order to be saved. I'm not even required to keep the whole moral Law in order to be saved. I'm saved because Jesus died to pay for my sins and made me righteous and holy in God's eyes. I am already saved by Him! Why would I look for something else to save me? But having been saved by Christ and adopted by God, I want to know Him as best I can. And the whole Old Testament, including the Law helps me understand and know Him, so how can I not read it and seek to do those things God does and those things God loves? Any part of the Bible that teaches me how God operates and what He does and doesn't do, these things I need to put into practice because I am so grateful for His salvation through Christ!