Micah Bemenderfer

September 18, 2022

Passage Read: 1 Corinthians 16 - 2 Corinthians 1
Meditation Verses: 2 Corinthians 1:23-24


There is great joy in fellowshipping with those who walk in obedience, with those who are teachable. But there is much grief in meeting together with those who resist sound doctrine. When meeting the latter, you see all the problems, and if you love them, you point out the error and direct them towards the truth. But if they are resistant, it becomes a heavy burden to all, to the one who desires to show the way and to those who resist the direction. So Paul cancels a visit to Corinth, and instead writes a letter to try to get them to fix what is wrong, so that when he comes, he can come in joy and excitement rather than grief and sternness.


I need to be someone who receives instruction from the Lord's servants, so that they find joy in my presence. But I also need to bite the bullet and speak up when things are wrong around me, even though that makes everyone uncomfortable and unhappy. God willing, those around me will actually be teachable and the result will be beneficial to all.