Micah Bemenderfer

September 16, 2023

Passage Read: 1 Corinthians 16 - 2 Corinthians 1
Meditation Verses: 1 Corinthians 16:15-16


Paul notes that the household of Stephanas were the first converts in Achaia and they have devoted themselves to the service of the saints. Then he reminds the Corinthians to submit to such men and to any who join in the work and labor at it. Those who devote themselves to the service of the saints are worthy of honor and obedience, because they are seeking the good of the brothers by seeking to know and honor the Lord more than most men. So those who are not devoted to the service of the saints should submit to those who are. Not all men have the same understanding, knowledge and experience of Christ. Those who have given themselves over to serve Christ and His people should be honored as knowing Christ better than those who have not devoted themselves. Just as a person who devotes himself to some skill or career should be held in higher honor and respected for his knowledge and experience more than someone who dabbles in that same field.


Knowing Christ is a function of obedience to Christ. The more a person gives himself up in obedience to Christ, the more they will understand and know the Lord. The more fully devoted to doing the will of God, the more prefect their knowledge and understanding of the Lord. So those who have devoted themselves less to Christ should submit to those who have devoted themselves more to Christ. Devotion is not just a feeling, but an abandonment of self for the sake and to the will of Christ. This is a truth that is all but lost today, because we all think we can be equally devoted to Christ by the diligence of our book study. But knowing Christ is not simply a function of the knowledge we have, but the obedience to His commands, and the degree of faith in Christ as evidenced by that obedience. To know Christ better, I must give up more of myself and my will in order to do His.