September 15, 2023
Passage Read: 1 Corinthians 14-15
Meditation Verse: 15:32
The resurrection of the dead is huge, and needs to be front and center. This life is not all there is and is not even the most important thing. Its only value is in what it contributes to my resurrection. I can have a basic resurrection or I can have a better resurrection, like those saints of old who refused to be released. And interestingly, those saints of old were the kind who ended up arrested for their faith, so there was something significant about their faith, enough to get them in trouble. The fact that I will be raised with Christ to live forever should be one of the greatest promises and hopes in my life, and should affect the way I live. It should set me free from the fears and worries of this life, free to live fully for God, His kingdom and His glory.