September 14, 2023
Passage Read: 1 Corinthians 12-13
Meditation Verses: 12:1-2
This should be a sobering statement, that the Corinthians and so many people across the globe and through time, we're led astray and influenced by mute idols. In this context, Paul is saying that there weren't even the use of miraculous gifts, and still they were led astray! They were ignorant, and we should not be. We should understand the truth about God and about false gods, and we shouldn't fall prey to such powerless things. How shameful it is that we are still so ignorant! This should not be! We must not be led astray by mute idols, or even loud ones. We should never fail prey to false teachers or prophets because we have God's Word and should know it well. Nothing hinders us from knowing and understanding it except our own laziness.
I must continually trust God's Word over the wisdom of men, no matter how wise they may seem to be, no matter how devoted to God they seem to be. False teachers don't announce themselves by denigrating God, but by claiming to love and know God and to speak for Him. But if I don't trust God's Word, then anyone can come and say that, and I won't know whether to believe them or not. I'll be ignorant and miss out on what God actually intends. Instead, God's Word teaches me His true heart and desire, so that I can test teachers and prophets by their fruit.