Micah Bemenderfer

September 13, 2023

Passage Read: 1 Corinthians 10-11
Meditation Verses: 10:1-5


We are not safe in Christ Jesus because we participated in certain ceremonies of His, any more than the Israelites were because they followed Moses through the water and ate the same spiritual food and water. We're not safe because we were baptized into Christ or eat the bread and juice of communion. We only have communion with Christ if we walk in obedience to His commands. If we ignore His commands then our baptism is meaningless, as is our participation in communion. Jesus saved us so that we would walk in newness of life, in the likeness of Christ in true righteousness and holiness. He didn't die for us so that we could continue to walk in our own wisdom and set our own standards of righteousness.


God is not mocked, and He will not be deceived. He knows those who belong to Him, those who fear Him and who walk in obedience to Him. He's not fooled into thinking that those who were baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit all belong to Him. He's not fooled into thinking that everyone who eats the bread and drinks the juice all worship Him in truth. He isn't fooled by outward signs and symbols; He looks on the heart and judges a man by his words and deeds. He knows who truly believes in Him, because they fear Him, stand in such awe of Him that they are diligent to live in obedience to His will as revealed throughout Scripture. I'm not saved and safe by my participation in any Christian rite, but by the kind of faith that leads to a surrendering of myself and my will to obedience to God and His Word.