September 10, 2022
Passage Read: Romans 16 - 1 Corinthians 1
Meditation Verses: Romans 16:17-18
Anyone who teaches doctrine contrary to what Paul taught needs to be avoided. Such men are not serving the Lord or the church, but their own bellies. They are seeking to gain leadership over a group of believers so that those Believers can support them, and they'll teach whatever they need in order to gain a following. Because their motivation is not Christ and the Truth, they have no intention of knowing the Truth and therefore cannot teach it accurately. So Paul says to avoid anyone who causes divisions by teaching things that do not line up with what he taught.
What Paul taught is now recorded in Scripture, so I can read it and know it, and recognize anyone who teaches things that do not agree with it. What the Bible says is the standard for sounds doctrine. If anyone teaches something that goes against the Bible's teaching, I need to avoid them, because they haven't loved Christ enough to understand the Truth, but are more interested in gathering followers than in teaching Truth. I need to guard against falling into that trap too. Making sure there are people who will pay me is a dangerous motivation that can easily lead to compromise of the Truth for the sake of a salary.