The Bemenderfers


Who's Responsible?

Picking up from where Christmas and the Advent season left off, I'll be teaching through the rest of the Gospel of Matthew. After the Magi depart, Herod seeks to destroy Jesus by killing the infant boys in and around Bethlehem. Who's responsible for the decisions…

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Perfect Provision

As you know, our 2022 contained unexpected twists and turns. Caribbean Mountain Academy, the school in the Dominican Republic we began serving in January, closed its doors. We relocated to the US in late August. Our hearts are full with God's love poured out from…

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Why the Gospel?

We know we needed the Gospel in order to be saved from the penalty of sin, but was that all God intended when He sent His Son to die and rise again? Was there more to His purposes than just paying for our sins and…

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A New Year's Reset

What standards and truths are we building our lives around? Are we pressuring our spiritual leaders to lower standards to suit us and our society around us? Who decides right and wrong? Us? Society? It's God, right? Based on Malachi 1:7-14. Given January 1, 2023…

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A Time of Preparation

The second Sunday of Advent is a time of preparation. Joseph, Mary and others knew or should have know the arrival of the Christ was at hand. But some missed the signs; some weren't ready for His arrival. He's coming again; are we getting ready…

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