Micah Bemenderfer

October 9, 2023

Passage Read: 1 Timothy 3-4
Meditation Verses: 3:8-9


This is a high standard for deacons. They have many of the same requirements as elders, and they must hold firmly to the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. What are the deep truths of the faith? And why would holding to them require a clear conscience? They obviously go beyond the basics of the gospel, beyond the elementary teachings listed at the beginning of Hebrews 6. But what would they include? Even deacons should know and hold to them with a clear conscience. Deacons are not just servants of the church, but men who understand and walk in obedience to God, whose lives are mature in Christ and set an example for other believers to emulate. It is not an entry-level position.


Serving the church and serving in the church is not for everyone, but for those who have set their heart on knowing and walking in obedience to Christ. If a man does not recognize that his Lord is Jesus and he serves Christ as an elder or deacon, if he doesn't recognize the weight and responsibility of so doing, then he's not ready to serve. He is a danger to the church in his immaturity, because even as a deacon he becomes an example to the flock. He can either be a good example who leads people deeper into relationship with Christ or a bad example who ends up leading people away from Christ. If wolves can arise from among the elders, how much more from among deacons who are not carefully vetted. Elders and deacons are both to be worthy of respect and emulation.