Micah Bemenderfer

October 6, 2023

Passage Read: 1 Thessalonians 5 - 2 Thessalonians 1
Meditation Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:1


The day of the Lord will come like a thief; it will surprise everyone who does not know that it is coming. But we are not to be surprised by it, but be watching in expectation. We should know the warning signs, so that we are prepared for it when it comes. It should not surprise us like a thief. Even Jesus said that when we see all the signs happen, we should look up, we should be watching for Him. Because we know when to expect Him, neither should we be expecting Him when the time is not right, when the signs have not been fulfilled. He cannot come any day now, because none of the signs have been fulfilled. He should not come like a thief to us who know the signs.


The time is short, and it is nearer now than ever. But Jesus' return is not at any moment. If His Word is trustworthy, then I can and should know what to expect before He returns. I can know when to look up and watch for Him and when I don't need to look up. And it is not yet time to look to the skies for His return. But it is always time to be training to serve in His kingdom. Whether His return is near or right at the door or still a long way off, I need to be living diligently to please Him and to prepare to serve in His kingdom.