October 6, 2022
Passage Read: 1 Thessalonians 3-4
Meditation Verse: 4:1
Paul calls the Thessalonians to keep working on doing better in Christ. They know the commands he gave when he was with them, and he reminds them to keep doing them and to do them even better. He never says that sin is a hindrance to their ability to walk in holiness, but that they are to work all the more at walking in holiness. Sin is a hindrance and so they should work all the more at putting it down and walking in God's ways. Sin should not be the victor in their lives, but righteousness. And the biggest thing he reminds them of here is to avoid sexual immorality.
Paul's understanding is not that we try to do a little better, but to abound in holiness and righteousness. I'm no longer a slave to sin, so I can defeat it. I have the Spirit of God dwelling in me, and His desire is for my sanctification. Sin doesn't stand a chance, so I need to knuckle down and defeat sin, especially my reaction to things I hate.