October 28, 2022
Passage Read: 2 Peter 2-3
Meditation Verses: 3:3-5
The last days are defined by man's deliberate concealing of the Truth of creation. They will themselves to forget that the earth was created from nothing and through water by the word of the Lord. They suppress the truth and claim that all things continue as they always have. The promotion and adoption of evolution by society at large matches this prediction perfectly. The last days began more than two hundred years ago and must soon come to a conclusion. The world is actively working erase the existence of God and reinterpret every sign of His presence. It is a willful and deliberate act.
These are the last days, and time is running out. The deception in society and creeping into the church is deliberate, is willed by men. It is no accident, and we are fools to think there are not those who desire to promote godlessness by weakening the Word of God and faith in it. From the beginning Satan has been deceiving and distorting the Truth, and men have fallen in with him as they see the power they can gain, even over a small crowd, but especially when they see they can amass a huge following. Men willingly go blind to the Truth of Scripture because they want to be masters of their own fate, they want as much of the world as they can gain while still believing God is good with them. I shouldn't be discouraged by these things, but see how all this also proves the Truth of God.