Micah Bemenderfer

October 2, 2022

Passage Read: Philippians 3-4
Meditation Verse: 3:17


Paul lived among the Philippians in such a way as to be an example to them. He expected them to copy his way of life. In fact, he lived deliberately in such a way so that they would understand how they were supposed to live as Believers. He set a high bar, but we're all called to be like him, to care more for others knowing Christ than for riches or wealth or comfort or possessions. He didn't require everyone to be itinerant missionaries, but he expected everyone to live as he lived among them. He was taking pains to set an example for them to follow.


If I am diligently following his example, I'll also be a good example to others. In fact, I need to recognize that my life is not my own, but meant to be lived in complete obedience to the Lord so that I can be a good example to others how they should live for Christ. My life is to be lived for Christ that others might see how they too should live. I'm always on display, so I always need to be careful how I live. My life is not my own, but Christ's. I need to be sure I'm pleasing Him in everything, and copying Paul is a great way to start.