Micah Bemenderfer

October 19, 2023

Passage Read: Hebrews 5-6
Meditation Verses: 5:7-9


Jesus is the source of eternal salvation to those who obey Him. These few verses are filled with obedience; obedience and submission are the very fabric of God's creation, purposes and will. Jesus submitted to the Father, even to the point of death. He didn't back off in order to save His life, but obeyed the Father even though it cost Him His life. Once made perfect by His complete and total denial of self in obedience to the Father, Jesus became the source of eternal salvation for all who walk in His selfsame obedience. Salvation is for those who surrender themselves to the will of the Father in true obedience.


Obedience to God through Christ is not optional, if we're given time to live beyond the point of our saving faith. Obedience is required and expected. I no longer live for myself but for Him who died for me and was raised again. I was crucified with Christ and no longer live; I'm supposed to live Jesus' life now. That's what the rest of my days are supposed to be: living to finish His work and do His will, not my own. That's actually preparing me to live forever in His kingdom under His rule! Preparing me to be a vessel useful to the Master to carry out His purposes in His kingdom, so that He can entrust me with responsibility in His kingdom. If I can learn to surrender myself to do His will in this life, He can entrust great responsibility to me in the next.