Micah Bemenderfer

October 12, 2023

Passage Read: 2 Timothy 1-2
Meditation Verses: 2:23-26


There are foolish and stupid arguments, and they produce quarrels. They have no value, except in producing quarrels. But the Lord's servant is not to quarrel, rather he is to be kind to everyone, even those who bring up foolish and stupid arguments. He should be able to teach, and he should not be resentful. People who bring up foolish and stupid arguments are not necessarily people who are seeking truth, but seeking to exalt themselves, to show themselves smart and clever. In fact, those who oppose the servant of the Lord who seeks to gently instruct them are actually in sin and need to repent. They have been taken captive by Satan to do his will and they don't realize it. So the servant of the Lord must not be resentful, but compassionate, knowing they need help to be set free, and recognizing that he may not be able to help them. Unless the Lord brings them to their senses, there's nothing he can do.


It's so easy to be drawn into a debate, partly because I think the other person is interested in the truth and seeking help to understand their own questions. They just need a good answer, and I hope to be used of God to give them that answer. Paul tells about gently instructing and being able to teach, so there is a kind of response required in these situations, but it is not debate or arguing. And the hope and goal must be to help the questioner get free from their trap. So it takes some discernment to recognize what trap they've fallen into, though Paul doesn't mention that, but merely that they've fallen into a trap of the devil, so that's not really a big need here. The need is to teach the truth without being drawn into a quarrel.