Micah Bemenderfer

November 6, 2023

Passage Read: Revelation 1-2
Meditation Verse: 2:5


For all their purity of doctrine and alertness to false teachers, the Ephesian church was not perfect. They had lost their first love and the fervent deeds that came with it. Jesus didn't establish His church merely to have right doctrine, but to preach the gospel and make disciples. There are churches who are called to simply "hang on," but they are churches in the midst of great suffering and hostility. Churches at peace which have time to test teachers and determine who is true and who is false need to be doing much more than just debating sound doctrine. They need to be proclaiming the gospel to their communities and setting their godly example before the world. Sadly, it is so easy to circle the wagons and keep to themselves. That is far more comfortable.


The danger to the Ephesians is that though their doctrine is right, they are about to lose their lampstand. If they don't repent and restore their first deeds, they will lose all influence and relevance. For all their right doctrine, their existence will be meaningless. They will no longer be serving the Lord Christ, but their own selves. Jesus will pass their torch to a fellowship who will do the will of God, as well as hold fast to His truth. I need to take warning. I am not placed here just to search out right doctrine and teach it, but to live in obedience to that doctrine, including fervently proclaiming it to the world of unbelievers around me.