Micah Bemenderfer

November 5, 2023

Passage Read: 3 John 1 - Jude 1
Meditation Verse: Jude 1:4


How do such men secretly slip in among the believers when their deeds and words are so clearly evil? They must be careful not to say much in the main gathering of believers but do their grumbling and fault-finding in small groups, where the leadership is not as alert. How important it is to have mature and wise believers in every small group. Indeed, for one or more of the elders and pastors to join in every meeting of believers. And for the leadership to know every member of the fellowship.


One advantage of a small church is the ability to interact and understand every member of the congregation. But sin needs to be rebuked. It can't be overlooked. The longer it goes unchecked, the more set in their ways a member becomes and the harder to root out the sin later, and the more it poisons the rest of the fellowship. I need to be alert.