Micah Bemenderfer

November 19, 2023

Passage Read: Genesis 1-4
Meditation Verse: 4:9


Adam and Eve hid from the Lord, but when confronted, they confessed what had happened. People like to say they shifted blame, but they told the truth about what happened, which is useful if someone wants to identify the steps that led to sin so as to avoid it in the future. But Cain, when confronted, lied outright to the Lord! There was no explanation, no excuse, no justification, just outright lie, "I don't know." There was no remorse, no sense that he had done anything wrong. He actually thought God had no idea, and he could get away with killing his brother! Adam and Eve were ashamed of themselves for what they did, but not Cain! Cain not only denied knowing where his brother was, but even pushed back against God asking him, implying God had no business asking him!


How quickly we corrupt ourselves! How quickly we exalt ourselves to be equal with those truly in authority, even to the point of insulting God for calling us to account! Unbridled arrogance! We are dust in the hands of God, but we act like He has neither power not right over us! I am entirely responsible to God for everything I say and do. He has every right to call me to account at any time and for anything I have done wrong. It is utter folly to think I could argue with God; there is no way I could win against Him! My only hope, my only safe way is to submit to and honor Him, and to listen carefully to all He says, to know and do all He expects of me.