Micah Bemenderfer

November 17, 2023

Passage Read: Revelation 19-20
Meditation Verses: 20:1-3


Satan is so easily captured and bound: One angel and a chain. He could be removed so easily, if God desired. But he has a part to play, deceiving the nations. When he is imprisoned, he will not be able to deceive men, and men will be able to obey the Lord fairly well. That suggests that God's commands really aren't all that difficult. We just need the deceiver silenced and quick justice on all who disobey, and we will walk in obedience.


If I know the truth and can recognize Satan's deception, then I can walk pretty well in the Lord's ways. I can know the truth by trusting God's Word, believing it all, and I have more than that: I have the Spirit of Christ dwelling in me. He is the Spirit of God, the Spirit of obedience to the Father, of trust and power. I really do have everything I need for life and godliness, if I'll just make use of it! Satan isn't so big or powerful, especially if I know the Truth.