November 11, 2023
Passage Read: Revelation 9-10
Meditation Verse: 10:4
Not everything has been revealed, and I need to be OK with that. The Lord knows exactly what He's doing and plans to do, and I need to trust Him and obey what He has revealed. He is Lord and Creator, so what He chooses to make known and what He chooses to keep concealed is entirely up to Him. I can't complain. I need to spend my time understanding and applying what He had made known, not wondering what He's withheld, or worse, distrusting what He's said because He's still keeping secrets.
I am a child, I am a slave, I am a creature. I exist to serve and accomplish His purposes. He has exalted and honored me far above what I deserve by revealing many of His thoughts and desires to me. I do not deserve to know as much about Him as He has revealed, and I don't need to know all these things in order to obey Him. He wants to make me a friend by sharing all He has, but I need to remember that a true friend obeys the Lord because He knows Him. He holds some things back to remind me that I am still the creature, not His equal. I must continue to trust Him in humility and obedience, not think I am His equal.