Messages from December 2023

4 messages

An Advent of Hope

The first week of Advent focuses on the Hope that Christ brings. But hope for what? Why do we need hope? What are we hoping for? Interestingly enough, the first 6 chapters of the Bible reveal four of our chief enemies we face in this…

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An Advent of Peace

Over the centuries from the beginning of time, the Lord has sent promise after promise, prophecy after prophecy, of the Seed of the Woman who would deliver us from Satan, Death, Sin and Our Own Heart. In the fullness of time, a baby is born…

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An Advent of Joy

There are many joys of Christmas: gatherings of family and friends, festivities, music and lights, food and fellowship, giving and receiving gifts. As wonderful as these are, the real joy of Christmas isn't any of these things. The real joy of Christmas is that babe…

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Not One Lost

Earlier in Matthew 18, Jesus shares the parable of the lost sheep. In it He says, "If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away...." What would make a sheep wander away? What would make a believer leave the church? Jesus…

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