Micah Bemenderfer

May 8, 2023

Passage Read: Isaiah 23-26
Meditation Verse: 26:10


Though they experience grace, they do not recognize or appreciate it. They think all good happens to them because they are pretty awesome. Their pride blinds them to the kindness they are actually experiencing. They think it's dumb luck or because of their skill. So they continue in sin with no thought for God or His kindness. Even when dwelling with the righteous who recognize the Lord and His grace, they don't believe, they cannot humble themselves, so they continue in their wicked ways. Unless the Lord breaks through to them, they will not repent.


Pride is such a danger. It blinds the eyes to see and acknowledge the Lord and His goodness. To think that I deserve any kindness in this life is a danger; to realize that any good that happens to me is a gift from God, that is a safeguard, and the truth.