Micah Bemenderfer

May 6, 2023

Passage Read: Isaiah 15-18
Meditation Verse: 16:6


Pride is no defense against the Lord, especially when that pride is in self. A people may have even accomplished much and done great things, but if they do not acknowledge the Lord, if they really think they accomplished something by their own power, that is even more dangerous. The Lord will not endure the pride of men, but at some point will overthrow the arrogant. He will put them down, no matter how high they have climbed or exalted themselves. So again, men of standing, men who have done great things and gained much power or authority, they are unreliable, because the Lord, in His time, will overthrow the arrogant man.


No matter how deserved the praise of others may seem, anyone who thinks highly of himself or any people who think much of themselves, not one of them is actually worth anything. They are powerless against the Lord, and the Lord takes note of the arrogant ones. He will set a date to destroy them if they do not repent beforehand. To trust in pride or in the prideful is folly. To be prideful is even more foolish. What do I have that I have not been given? What have I attained that God has not delivered over to me? I have nothing good apart from the grace and mercy of God.