Micah Bemenderfer

May 5, 2023

Passage Read: Isaiah 11-14
Meditation Verses: 14:9-11


It doesn't matter how high and exalted anyone becomes, they all end up in the same place: the grave. I can become high and mighty, but at death, I'll become as weak and impotent as all who have gone before me. So earthly greatness is meaningless; it only lasts a few years then it will all be forgotten. And if anyone considers himself great, I don't need to be overly impressed by him; his greatness will all be lost with his death. Whoever he thinks he is, he is no better and no worse than anyone else. Death comes for rich and poor, powerful and powerless. They are all the same.


The only people worth being impressed by are those who serve the Lord with all their might; they are the ones who will be great for eternity. The world's rich and powerful people are nothing. They will die like all the rest of us and all their power and influence will be lost. I should not be enamored by them or impressed by them. They may sit in seats of authority and I have to honor them because of that, but they are just men and will one day be dead and gone, and they will have no power in the grave. They shouldn't impress me.