Micah Bemenderfer

May 22, 2022

Passage Read:  Jeremiah 5-8
Meditation Verses: 7:2-4


This warning is for people coming to worship the Lord. They think that because the Temple is there, because they worship the Lord in His Temple, they think everything will be all right. They don't understand what it means to worship the Lord: They think it means praying in His Temple, maybe giving some money, offering a sacrifice, listening to or singing songs. The Lord didn't require any of that; He required obedience to His Law. They are not walking in obedience, so He is calling them to amend their ways, otherwise He will drive them out of the land. The only thing that will save them is walking in obedience to Him.


The same is true today. We trust in prayers to save us, or church buildings or worship hours or Christian music. But the original call to the Gospel was, "Repent and believe." We still need to turn away from our own ways, our sinful arrogance, and turn to God to walk in His ways. He promised to give us new hearts that would walk in obedience to Him. He didn't promise to ignore sin and let us do whatever we wanted as long as we believed in His existence. The demons know He lives, but they won't be saved. Real worship, real belief means obeying the Lord and walking in His ways. Only then do I really believe and worship the Lord as He requires and deserves.