May 21, 2022
Passage Read: Jeremiah 1-4
Meditation Verses: 3:11-15
Apostasy is when people who should know God turn to other gods, while still claiming to follow the Lord. They claim to belong to the Lord, but they also seek the help of other gods, worshiping gods more interesting and fun than the Lord. They do not walk in obedience to the Lord, but do whatever they think is right. A great apostasy must come before the Antichrist can show himself. And that apostasy is already greatly under way. Denomination after denomination have turned from Your truth. They now establish their own version of righteousness. They use the Bible minimally, and only to justify their own ideas of right and wrong. They twist it and turn is meaning to whatever they want to justify. God's Word is no longer the standard of righteous behavior, but they make themselves to be that standard.
Church after church and denomination after denomination, all of which were founded on a commitment to walk in obedience to the Lord, have one by one turned away from the Truth as recorded in those Scriptures. And it is gaining speed, faithful churches are becoming unfaithful. New churches are being planted with no commitment to following the Scriptures faithfully, but to go their own ways, establishing their own righteousness from the start. There is still a need for prophets, but the way forward is already plotted, and time is growing short.