Micah Bemenderfer

May 19, 2023

Passage Read: Jeremiah 1-4
Meditation Verses: 4:1-2


If God's people repent and return to the Lord, if they swear in truth and righteousness, "As the Lord loves," if they believe it and walk in His ways because they know He is true and real and living, then all nations will be blessed by Him and glory in Him. If God's people honor and revere Him in word and deed, then all nations will enjoy His favor and glorify Him. The repentance and belief of the nations is tied to, even dependent on the faith and faithfulness of those who are called His own. So there could be a worldwide revival if "believers" really believed and obeyed the Lord. Or else, because of their faithlessness in the latter days, the nations will become impossible to turn to repentance and the Lord will return for the remnant that believes and pour out His wrath on the nations.


Jesus asked, "When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith on the earth?" The closer we get to His return, is it such that "Christians" must become much less Christ-like, much more worldly, so that this principle is proved right? If we had a serious and far-reaching revival in our churches, would we see the nations turn to Him like never before? When Jesus sets up His Kingdom, all believers will be true believers, and the nations will glory in Him and be blessed by Him, so this principle will be proved correct. We spend so much time patting ourselves on the back and assuring each other that we're all just fine, is there any hope for a major revival? Is there any way we can be awakened from our drunken stupor?