Micah Bemenderfer

May 17, 2023

Passage Read: Isaiah 59-62
Meditation Verses: 59:12-13


Israel's sins were many: rebellion and treachery against the Lord, turning their back on the Lord, fomenting oppression and revolt, and speaking lies their own hearts had conceived. They rebelled against the Lord and worked against Him. They ignored Him. They encouraged others to oppress others and revolt against the Lord. And they made up lies that justified their rebellion.


My duty as a believer in Christ is to submit fully to the Lord in obedience, and work together in all He is doing. I must encourage and practice serving others and promote submission and obedience to Him. And I must only speak the truth that He has revealed. To go my own way and encourage others to do whatever they think is right is the same as what Israel was doing here; it's sin against the Lord. They did their own thing and encouraged others to do the same, to ignore the Lord and even deliberately go against Him. That is as bad as it gets, because it's not accidental but deliberate!