Micah Bemenderfer

May 15, 2022

Passage Read: Isaiah 43-46
Meditation Verses: 45:20-22


Multiple times, God has contrasted Himself with the idols of the nations. He is about to send His people into captivity. They have consorted with idols and will then be surrounded by people who worship idols. Those so-called gods can do nothing. It is because of them that Israel and Judah will be exiled, and it is despite them that Israel and Judah will be brought back to their own land. God wants to make clear to His people, and to any among the nations who are willing to hear, that it is He who has done all these things. They should worship Him alone and abandon their useless idols.


God knows the beginning and the end, and He has made known to us all His plans and what is to come. Like the Israelites of old, I need to not be impressed by the power and craftiness and cleverness of men. God alone is God. Men are blind and ignorant fools, and all they worship, including their own might and intelligence, is empty and meaningless. God has revealed His plans for the end of this age and they are coming to fruition, I need to trust in His Word and not fall for the vanity of men.