Micah Bemenderfer

May 14, 2022

Passage Read: Isaiah 39-42
Meditation Verses: 40:6-8


Men and all their "goodness" are but like grass and the flowers of the field. The Lord has to but blow on them and they are gone. Yet His Word stands forever. Men come and go and their standards of goodness rise and fall, but the Lord remains the same from generation to generation. He does not change, and so neither does His Word change. As hard as we try to change it, to decide what applies and what does not, to establish our own standard of righteousness, we will pass away and all our declarations with us.


I cannot listen to men in all that they decide, in all their posturing. They come and go. At this time they say such and such is true, and at another time, they change their tune. Men know so little and only see so far. But God sees everything, from beginning to end, so what He says takes into account all men from all generations. His Word is trustworthy and true, like nothing else. So everything He says, I must believe and obey. I must not listen to men who set aside this rule or that command. What the Lord has spoken, I must trust and obey. What men say, I can safely ignore.