Micah Bemenderfer

May 12, 2023

Passage Read: Isaiah 39-42
Meditation Verse: 42:16


Those who don't know the Lord or His ways are as blind as can be. But the Lord is willing to lead those who are blind, but He will lead them in New paths, paths they have not known. Those paths will look strange to those who are still blind but refuse the Lord's guidance; they are new and different paths, new to those who are led upon them by the Lord. Because His ways are so different from the ways of the world, and so much better. But the pride of man refuses to humble itself before the Lord and accept His help.


It is far better and safer to walk in the ways of the Lord, though I must humble myself and accept His assistance and guidance. Others will laugh at me because I'm not "my own man." I don't make my own way, but follow the Lord in His ways. The blind don't know where they're going, but the Lord can be trusted to lead to a good destination. Why go my own way? Only the Lord's path leads to eternal life.