Micah Bemenderfer

May 12, 2022

Passage Read: Isaiah 31-34
Meditation Verses: 32:17-18


"The work of righteousness shall be peace, the service of righteousness shall be quietness and peace forever." Oh to be there already. To already be in a peaceful home and safe dwelling and a secure resting place. How much longer must I wait? This sounds so wonderful, to no longer bear the burdens I carry. To no longer fear for the lost or the saved. To no longer have to care for others. To be completely at peace and rest. This is a beautiful promise.


I have to go a little longer. This is the hope that draws me, that true rest is coming. Though I wonder if I take more upon myself than I should. I am compelled to do so by this generation's understanding of love, but it seems Jesus and Paul were not similarly burdened for the lost, not like we think we're supposed to be today. If they believed, great! If not, turn to the next, because they were choosing to reject Jesus; they were opting out and their decision was legitimate. And once they're saved, we're careful not to ask too much of them, lest we be labeled legalistic and Pharisaical. What a day that will be when I no longer have to wrestle with such thoughts.