Micah Bemenderfer

May 11, 2023

Passage Read: Isaiah 35-38
Meditation Verse: 37:21


The Lord answers Hezekiah's prayer, saying, "Because you have prayed to me about Sennacherib...." Because Hezekiah didn't just panic and fret, but because he had sense enough to take his fear and concern over this threat to the Lord, so the Lord was willing to give him a favorable answer. The Lord is pleased when we recognize that things are too hard for us and we need His help. He is pleased when we bring our challenges to Him and acknowledge our dependence on Him. He may not give us a favorable answer, but He will take us through whatever He decides we need to go through.


I don't need to have all the answers and I don't need to be the smartest guy in the room, who can solve everyone's problem. I can and should bring my problems to the Lord, because that pleases Him and certainly makes Him more favorably disposed to me. Whatever answer He gives me, whatever He decides to do for me or with me, He will be pleased by my turning to Him for help.