Micah Bemenderfer

May 10, 2023

Passage Read: Isaiah 31-34
Meditation Verses: 33:14-16


Sinners are dismayed and the godless afraid; the Lord is like an unquenchable fire to them, something to be terrified by. But those who do what is right, who love justice and do righteousness, to them, the Lord is a secure fortress and full provision. The Lord is a safe place to those who humble themselves and live in obedience to Him. The Lord is a refining fire, but He is only frightening to those who insist on living in sin, to those who reject Him. But to those who submit themselves fully to Him, He is a refuge.


I have no need to fear the Lord as long as I live in submission to Him and His will, as long as I love mercy and justice, to do them. As long as I walk in righteousness and speak what is right and turn away from all forms of evil, I will never have cause to fear the Lord, who is a burning fire, because He burns against those who live in sin and reject Him, those who are unwilling to listen to Him or walk in His ways.