May 10, 2022
Passage Read: Isaiah 23-26
Meditation Verses: 25:2-3
The strong understand strength and power, and when the Lord exercises His might, then they honor and glorify Him. They do not respect what they perceive as weakness, but when the Lord overthrows cities that seem untouchable, they honor Him. Wisdom is proved right by all her children. Jesus has been presented as weak and soft and so gentle that few men respect Him. They need to know that not only Jesus, but His Father too are powerful and do overthrow cities, then they will be able to respect Him.
Women have taken control of that narrative about Jesus, and they are promoting a Jesus that is not real. They are giving half the story without providing context, so that Jesus appears soft and weak. But He was meek, which is strength under control, not afraid to hurt anyone or offend anyone. He rebuked the hypocrites to their face, He overturned tables in the Temple, and He will return with a sword and iron scepter to rule the nations. Men respect strength, and unless the whole truth about Jesus is presented, men will misunderstand Jesus and ignore Him as weak and useless.